The Power of Small Wins: How Everyday Positivity Leads to Big Changes

The Power of Small Wins: How Everyday Positivity Leads to Big Changes

Discover how focusing on small, positive moments can accumulate into significant change over time.

Early mornings never get easier. It was only Tuesday, and already the temptation to stay cuddled and warm beside Kelcey tugged at my resolve when my alarm went off at 4:45 am. The interrupted night had left me sleep-deprived and anxious about the busy day ahead.

My self-discipline of starting my day with a workout clashed with my need for self-care and sleep. Taking on a full day with low energy would likely increase my stress, but skipping my workout would too.

I chose to sleep...

It was fitful at best. An hour later, I woke up feeling just as tired but now I added disappointment to my narrative. It was a negative hit to my self-discipline and self-care. I attempted to bury my failure only to feel it taunt me throughout the day. At work, I struggled to stay focused and never fully gained momentum, which added another negative mark to my tally. But, who’s counting, right?

My disappointment from not getting rest or a workout was made worse by my overscheduled evening. I wanted nothing more than to shut out the world and curl up in bed at 5:00 pm. The realization that my exhaustion would have to wait another five hours was deflating. It triggered an infuriated rant as I complained about having to attend a Relief Society activity I was partially in charge of. 

Kelcey, of course, invited me to stay home to ease the pressure. “I mean, if it’s that bad…,” he joked. It was his loving attempt to help me gain perspective. He knew I wouldn’t stay, it’s not who I am, but I WAS going to complain about it. That is often who I am… at least in part. It gives me space to make peace with the responsibilities I’d rather not do, but will ultimately do because I love Jesus.

When we open ourselves to the Spirit, we learn God’s way and feel His will... When we are yielded and still, our minds can be directed to something more we may need to change—something that is limiting our capacity to receive spiritual guidance or even healing and help. Neill F. Marriott "Yielding Our Hearts to God" (Oct. 2015)

Reluctantly, I went. I planned to set up for the activity and then excuse myself. Everyone would understand that I was drained and running on empty. But the moment I walked through the door, one of my favorite people rushed to me, arms wide open, saying, “Oh Lyenna! What a day it has been!”

Her warmth was like a balm to my weary soul. She shared her exhausting day, and in that moment of mutual commiseration, my perspective shifted.

The Flecks of Gold in Our Everyday

The evening turned out to be exactly what I needed. We painted watercolors of the Savior in such cool variety. It was inspiring and healing as we spent time together and let the responsibilities take a back seat for a while. Every watercolor of Christ was as unique and beautiful as the women in that room. The simple act of creating something beautiful reminded me of how much I love painting—something I rarely make time for, but deeply enjoy.

Had I stayed home, I would have mindlessly scrolled through my phone, trying to ignore the reality of my day. By the next day, I would have erased it from memory and moved on. But because I showed up, I captured a “fleck of gold” that Heavenly Father had lovingly prepared for me.

The simple act of gratitude for such a simple gift sheds light on the reality that God is indeed in the details.

These 'flecks' have built my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I make a conscious effort to look for these moments in my daily life. Each "fleck of gold," by itself, might seem small, but their accumulation brings extraordinary value. Gratitude for these simple gifts sheds light on the reality that God is indeed in the details.

Finding Your Own Flecks of Gold

Flecks of gold are the small, everyday acts of love, kindness, and gratitude. They may not always be the “nuggets” we hope for, but they are the building blocks of a fulfilling life.

So, maybe the next time I’m tempted to skip a church activity or complain about how tired I am, I’ll remind myself that a fleck of gold might be waiting for me.

And you can be sure, I’ll get my workout in next time, too!

Ready to Find More Flecks of Gold in Your Life?

If this post resonated with you, take a moment to reflect on your own “flecks of gold” and how they’ve shaped your journey. Whether it’s in your faith, family, fitness, or career, these small moments matter.

Subscribe to my blog to receive uplifting stories, practical tips, and inspiring reminders to help you recognize and cherish the everyday wins that lead to big changes. Let’s continue this journey together—one fleck at a time!