Teaching Gospel Truths: How to Trust the Savior with Our Children’s Choices

Teaching Gospel Truths: How to Trust the Savior with Our Children’s Choices

There was no particular day or moment when I knew the gospel of Jesus Christ was true. My testimony and conversion to Jesus Christ and His church have felt more like an overcast day, with moments when rays of light break through.

My earliest memory of feeling the spirit was in Primary. The chorister had made a poster to help us memorize “Reverence is Love.” This song spoke to me as a child who could hardly sit still for more than five minutes. I distinctly remember the line, “The pathway to follow is clear.” The chorister had put plastic wrap over the word "clear," which has stuck in my memory ever since.

Although I was young, I didn’t yet realize that what I felt was the Spirit testifying of truth and allowing me the space to be myself. My reverence and love for the Savior didn’t stem from simply sitting quietly. Instead, He met me in a way that resonated with me–in a song that required active listening and visual representation to keep me focused.

During the Sharing Time lesson, we were taught about Jesus gathering children around His knee. I felt such a deep urgency and hope that I would be one of those children. I wanted it so bad that I prayed it would be soon. But I also had this keen awareness that I had a limited time before I was no longer a child and that it probably wouldn’t happen for me. I’m now 42 and still hope to gather “‘round His knee.” It’s remarkable that this ray of light still burns in my soul despite being no more than 6 or 7 years old.

Challenges Grow as a Parent

I have had thousands of moments like that, but since then, my challenges have become much bigger and more intense than sitting still for five minutes.

Now, with young adult, teenage, pre-teen, and elementary-school-aged children, my challenges have expanded beyond my personal trials and encompasses their challenges and trials, too. Kneeling at the Savior’s feet is no longer an individual matter. I want my family by my side.

Learning from Choices

As I’ve been thinking about choices, I reflect on mine—some good, some not-so-good, but they were mine to make. I learned of Christ’s forgiveness because I’ve sinned. I’ve learned of His patience because I’ve tested it. I’ve experienced comfort because I’ve been hurt and scared.

“His rays of light have built my testimony because I’ve experienced darkness and recognize the difference.”

As a parent, I warn, counsel, teach, invite, and support my children to help them avoid the pitfalls of poor choices. Yet, they still make them.

I’ve been at my wit's end, feeling stuck in a loop, repeatedly speaking words I know to be true, only to be brushed aside as “no big deal” or “not relevant to me.” But, upon reflection, I can draw at least one eye-opening conclusion…

I’m not any different.

Heavenly Father knows ALL things and also warns, counsels, teaches, invites, and supports, but instead of “being at His wit's end,” He lets us learn through choice. I think Eve described her experience with making choices best when she said, “Were it not for our transgression we never should have had seed, and never should have known good and evil, and the joy of our redemption, and the eternal life which God giveth unto all the obedient.” (Moses 5:11)

None of us can know joy without first experiencing sorrow. We cannot understand redemption without needing to be redeemed.

Conversion Through Acts of Faith

Unfortunately, truth, personal revelation, and Spiritual growth do not remain unchallenged. Satan won't have it. Adam and Eve may have learned for themselves the blessings of obedience and following God’s commandments, but their children didn’t. So, “…Satan came among them, saying: I am also a son of God; and he commanded them, saying: Believe it not; and they believed it not…” (Moses 5:13

Opposition is fierce, but that’s also why choice is so important. Conversion is a consequence of learned experience coupled with acts of faith and the influence of the Holy Ghost. I still remember how I felt all those years ago because I was taught by the Spirit in the way I needed, by the people who were called, in a heart and mind that was ready for THAT truth at THAT time.

The Power of Repetition in Teaching

Teaching the gospel in our homes and at church sets the stage for the Spirit to testify, but if a heart is not prepared to receive it or doesn’t want to, for that matter, it won’t. I’m convinced that’s why we repeatedly hear and are taught the same doctrine again and again and why we have to regurgitate the same lessons to our families frequently. We hope that one day, it will stick. We hope their hearts and minds are ready to receive the Spirit so they will be changed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ the same way we were. And we’re not alone in how we feel. Helaman also had to plead with his sons, “Oh remember, remember…” he said  (Helaman 5:9). He struggled with the same urgency and worry we do.

We are blessed to be surrounded by people who understand and empathize with our challenges and are willing to help and accept callings that put them on our children's path to bear witness and testimony of truth. We also have prophets today and in the scriptures to guide and inspire us.

“And the Lord God called upon men by the Holy Ghost everywhere and commanded them (their children) that they should repent;” (Moses 5:14). And as many as believed in the Son, and repented of their sins, should be saved…” (Moses 5:15) “And Adam and Eve…ceased not to call upon God…” (Moses 5:16

The Spirit in Our Work and Our Families

While preparing to write this post, I had many things on my mind. I prayed for direction and began writing, only to erase paragraphs of content because it just didn’t feel right. It’s part of why I’ve started and stopped blogs at least a dozen times. It feels like swimming upstream!

Then I came across this song: MY OWN SACRED GROVE - official music video by Angie Killian

I immediately felt calm as another ray of light guided my thoughts. The Spirit testified to me the truth of Joseph Smith and his experience in the Sacred Grove while also reminding me that I can seek answers in the same way and find my own Sacred Grove. If He has called me to share my spiritual experiences with the world, then He’s in the work and the details of it. It also means He’s involved in the sacred work of raising our children.

Trusting God’s Guidance with Our Children

Like Adam and Eve, we cannot cease to call upon God, and like Helaman, we must continue to teach and implore our children to “remember, remember.” More than anything, I know we can trust Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. If I am doing the work, keeping my covenants, repenting, and seeking with real intent and faith in Christ, by the power of the Holy Ghost, I will know “the truth of all things” (Moroni 10:5). I will know what to teach, what to say, and what my kids need and when.

“No matter how long it takes for them to choose the Savior, He’s in the details and will meet them wherever they are on their path.”

The Importance of Agency in Conversion

Their agency to choose is a critical part of their growth and conversion. No matter how long it takes for them to choose the Savior, He’s in the details and will meet them wherever they are on their path.

As we strive to teach and guide our children in the gospel of Jesus Christ, remember that our efforts are not in vain. Just as the Lord has met us in our unique circumstances and moments of need, He will do the same for them. Though they may stray or struggle, the Savior’s love and guidance are constant, and He is intimately involved in the details of their lives, just as He is in ours.

So, keep praying, keep teaching, and keep trusting. The seeds we plant today may take time to grow, but with faith, we can trust that He’s got this. Let us call upon God, “never ceasing,” and implore our children to “remember, remember” the truths that can light their way.

Building a Community of Faith

If you’ve experienced similar challenges or need support, reach out. Share your thoughts in the comments or on my Facebook and Instagram pages, and let's build a community of faith together. Keep seeking your own Sacred Grove moments, and trust that God is guiding you and your family every step of the way.

Download my free "Sacred Grove Reflection" printable to reflect on and capture your personal spiritual moments. Take time to listen to MY OWN SACRED GROVE - official music video by Angie Killian, if you haven't already, and pray for the Holy Ghost to be with you as you spend time thinking of your family's needs.